Saturday, October 15, 2011

Great deal on Penzeyes spices with coupons

I just got my new Penzeye's catalog in the mail this week and was quite excited.  While I only live about 1/3 of a mile away from the store, I found this amazing deal for online folks to combine their current free sample codes, with smart choices to result in a bunch of free product.

For those that do not know what Penzeyes is... it is a spice store.  What good is a spice store you may ask?  Well at prices fairly reasonable when compared to supermarkets, you are getting much higher quality.  I have been using their spices for a few years.  I am slowly getting rid of all the old spices and plan on using only stuff from Penzeyes in the future.

As a note for those who think it is more expensive, take a look at the 4oz "bags" and the empty jars to make the most of your money. Once you have the jar, you can just order the bigger bags and replenish your stash.  It is typically close to the same cost for the bulk bag plus an empty jar as the same jar that is pre-filled.  

So without further delay, here are the steps to take advantage of the amazing free Penzeyes coupon codes.

Enter Kind Heart in the search
change qty to 1 on the free one, click add
Click search again
Enter: 95107 (empty jar w shaker lid) - Teacher Pack requires a purchase
Change qty to 1, click add
Click Search again
Enter forward, click search
Click on the link under: the 5.39 Forward jar that says "Click to redeem your coupon"
In the new area that comes up, Enter coupon code: 15958C to add the Free Forward 
Enter another code: 83018C to add the Teacher Gift Pack

When done, click to check out and setup an account if you do not have one.  On the checkout page, under the Shipping Info tab, you can change from Regular shipping 4.95, to Slow 3.95 to save a dollar, bringing the grand total to $5.66 for all of that stuff, not too shabby!


Anonymous October 15, 2011 at 1:01 PM  

I LOVE Penzey's!!! I am so envious you live near a store!! They need to come to ATL

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