Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week-in-Review: Week 1 - Jan 16-22

This post is coming a bit late, and "unrefined" no pictures, just text, otherwise it is going to get too late to post it, so here goes.

The time has come to get serious about my 2012 seasons.  The holidays are over, the snacks are gone, the weight is not, and anticipation is building every day for what this season has in store.  I will be starting up my weekly reviews again to summarize the week in training, life, and happenings.

Let me start by saying I have a number of product reviews in the works.  I had an influx of them all at once, which was very welcome, but also a little daunting.  Keep an eye out over the coming weeks.  I will have the following:

  • H20 Audio Waterproof Case/Headphones Product Review
  • Brooks Pure Flow Product Review
  • Yurbuds Headphone Product Review
  • Finis SwiMp3 Product Review
  • and more...
Week 1 of my training plan.  This is the start to a 16 week program leading me into REV3 Knoxville.  You may remember my race-recap from last year and if not, just click the link.  I am thrilled to have this race on my schedule again this year.  It was a great venue and very well run.  It had a big race feel, without being chaotic.  The course was AMAZING!  I really would love to get my hands on a good HD Video Camera and record the route to play while I am stuck on the trainer, but I digress.

I am writing my own plans by incorporating a few different plans and process that have been adapted to my goals. So what does a typically week look like?  Great question!

Swims: I am feeling good in the water recently, not super speedy, but good.  I have some work to rebuild my endurance at speed.  In contrast, last year I swam 3x a week.  I have upped the volume some this year and have included a fourth workout.  I have given myself some flexibility on the 4th workout to float since I mostly swim over lunch during the week.

Bike: Build build build build. I think Chris Lieto could tell you the best that a strong bike does not always translate to overall results, but I realize that I have room to grow on the bike.  I have not hit my limit where returns start to diminish significantly.  After my accident last year, my break took its toll on my leg endurance.  I am getting it back, but I am sticking to my guns on bike workouts this year.  They will include 3 specific sessions to build during the week, and a longer ride on the weekend.

Run: All things considered, I feel pretty good about where I am at for my run.  I am not going to go out and drop a 20 minute 5k in the next month, I would be stretched to hit 21 flat I think.  I have been dabbling with the BarryP running theology from Slowtwitch and it has been good to me so far.  This includes 6 runs a week.  The concept is easy to understand when you fully "get it" but trying to explain it always causes me troubles.  You have 3 runs a week (3 recovery, 2 harder, 1 long) These runs vary in distance based on the length of your short runs(1:2:3).  IE Your short runs may be 20 minutes, the hard runs are 40 minutes, and the long run is 60.)

The goal is to get more running done in a week, without the added stress of bigger mile days.

So my week looks like this:

  • Morning Recovery Run
  • Lunch Swim
  • Evening Bike
  • Lunch Swim
  • Evening Hard Run
  • Morning Recovery Run
  • Lunch Swim
  • Evening Bike
  • Lunch Swim
  • Evening Hard Run
  • Morning Recovery Run
  • Lunch Swim
  • Evening Bike
  • Long Run
  • Long Ride
Add in daily core workouts (not recorded, just doing it daily)

Week 1 Totals:
Swim: 5500 Yards, 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Bike: 69 Miles, 4 Hours 2 Minutes
Run: 24 Miles, 3 Hours 29 Minutes
Total: 9 Hours 10 Minutes


Chris January 26, 2012 at 7:04 PM  

Getting back on the train!!

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